IIIT-Bangalore | 13th to 15th December, 2024

The Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP) is India’s premier conference in Computer Vision, Graphics, Image Processing and related fields. Starting in 1998, it was a biennial international conference till 2021, providing a forum for the presentation of technological advances and research findings in these areas. ICVGIP 2024, the 15th conference in this series, is being organized by IIIT-Bangalore in association with the Indian Unit for Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IUPRAI), an affiliate of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). ICVGIP is being held annually from 2022 due to the huge growth in the community. ICVGIP is dedicated to fostering the community of computer vision, graphics and image processing researchers and enthusiasts in India and abroad. We strive to live up to this goal at every occurrence of this annual conference.

IUPRAI Best Dissertation Awards 2024
Sravanti Addepalli
Efficient and Effective Algorithms for Improving the Robustness of Deep Neural Networks

Advisor: R. Venkatesh Babu

Institute: Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

Area: Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning
Salman Siddique Khan
Learning-based Scene Reconstruction, Design and Inference in Lensless Imaging

Advisor: Kaushik Mitra

Institute: Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Area: Computer Vision
IUPRAI Best Dissertation Awards 2023
Joseph K J
Towards and Beyond Continually Learning Neural Networks

Advisor: Vineeth N Balasubramanian

Institute: Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad

Area: Computer Vision
Siddarth Asokan
On the Optimality of Generative Adversarial Networks-A Variational Perspective

Advisor: Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula

Institute: Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

Area: Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning
Jogendra Nath Kundu
Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation Frameworks for Computer Vision Tasks

Advisor: R. Venkatesh Babu

Institute: Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

Area: Computer Vision
Best Paper Awards
Best Paper Winner

Variational Distribution and Experience Replay for 3D Reconstruction in a Continual Learning Framework

Sanchar Palit , IIT Bombay
Sandika Biswas , IIT Bombay

Abstract: Single-image 3D reconstruction is a research challenge focused on predicting 3D object shapes from single-view images. This task requires significant data acquisition to predict both visible and occluded portions of the shape. Furthermore, learning-based methods face the difficulty of creating a comprehensive training dataset for all possible classes. To this end, we propose a continual learning-based 3D reconstruction method where our goal is to design a model using Variational Priors that can still reconstruct the previously seen classes reasonably even after training on new classes. Variational Priors represent abstract shapes and combat forgetting, whereas saliency maps preserve object attributes with less memory usage. This is vital due to resource constraints in storing extensive training data. Additionally, we introduce saliency map-based experience replay to capture global and distinct object features. Thorough experiments show competitive results compared to established methods, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Best Paper Runner-up

No Prompting Frozen Foundation Models: Interactive Medical Volume Segmentation using Continual Test Time Adaptation of Compact Models

Kushal Borkar , IIIT Hyderabad
Abhilaksh Singh Reen , IIT Delhi
C.V. Jawahar , IIIT Hyderabad
Chetan Arora , IIT Delhi

Abstract: To be added.

ICVGIP 2024 Sponsors