IIIT Bangalore | 13th to 15th December, 2024
Call for Tiny Papers

Tiny papers is a new track introduced in ICVGIP 2024 to encourage students, faculty, and researchers to present their works corresponding to novel ideas and applications in ICVGIP 2024. The track provides a platform for seeking advice and feedback regarding the work from the audience of ICVGIP. The expectation is that the work can be improved and submitted for publication as a full paper in another venue. The first author of the tiny paper should not have published a regular paper in the previous editions of ICVGIP.

Note: The accepted tiny papers will not be published as proceedings through ACM Digital Library. However, the accepted tiny papers will be archived and made available through the ICVGIP 2024 website. The authors are welcome to improve on the work done in their tiny paper submissions and submit for a possible regular publication in another venue.
Guidelines for Submission

  • Page Limit: 2 pages excluding references in ICVGIP 2024 submission format.
  • The accepted Tiny Papers will be published through the conference website in archival mode.
  • Submission Website: Tiny Papers CMT3 submission portal
Topics of Interest

We invite high-quality, original and unpublished tiny papers in the broad areas of computer vision, graphics, and image processing including, but not limited to:

  • Segmentation
  • Texture, Shape, Color
  • Restoration, Enhancement
  • Visual Tracking
  • Motion and Video Analysis
  • Explainable Vision Systems
  • Compressive Sensing
  • 3D Reconstruction
  • Object and Pattern Recognition
  • Machine Learning for Vision and Graphics
  • Medical Image Analysis
  • Biometrics
  • Virtual/Augmented Reality
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Vision for Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles
  • Computational Imaging
  • Sensors and Modelling
  • Vision-Based Graphics
  • Activity Recognition
  • Shape from X
  • Vision for Digital Heritage
  • Shape Analysis
  • Real-Time Graphics
  • Animation and Rendering
  • Scientific Visualization
  • Document Image Analysis
  • Remote Sensing
  • Scene Understanding
  • Statistical Methods & Optimization
  • Vision+Language
  • Vision and Graphics for Society
  • Applications of Vision and Graphics
Review process

Review Process will be double-blind

Important Dates

Paper Submission Opens: 20 August, 2024

Paper Submission Deadline: 20 September, 2024

Author Notification: 15 October, 2024

For any queries please contact:
Tiny Papers Chair