Please read the following instructions carefully.
All papers for Oral, Spotlight, and Symposium sessions at ICVGIP 2024 will be presented as both a talk and a poster. Tiny Papers only have a presentation talk.
This year, we also encourage authors of Symposium papers to present their work as a poster as well.
Oral Sessions
Oral paper sessions will consist of 7 paper slots of 7 minutes each.
Please prepare a 6 minute presentation, leaving 1 minute for QnA.
Your presentation will be ready for you when it is your turn during the session. You will be expected to come on stage to present it.
Note that you cannot use your own laptop.
Spotlight Session
The spotlight paper session consists of 21 paper slots of 2 minutes each.
Please prepare a PowerPoint presentation with maximum of 4 slides, max 30 seconds per slide.
Your presentation will be ready for you when it is your turn during the session. You will be expected to come on stage to present it.
Note that you cannot use your own laptop.
Symposium and Tiny Papers
The time will be divided as per number of papers for each session as per the session chair. You can get a rough guess for each presentation time based on the program length. Any further instructions will be posted here.
Your presentation will be ready for you when it is your turn during the session. You will be expected to come on stage to present it.
Note that you cannot use your own laptop.
Presentation Submissions
An optional slide template for presentations is provided here:
Presentation Template.
Please prepare your presentation slides by 13th December, 2024 and submit it here:
Presentation Submission Form.
It is compulsory to use the title slide as per the given template. The authors can make the other slides as needed.
The file name of the presentation should be of format: "Paper_id"_"Presenting_Author_Surname"_"Shortened_Paper_Name".pptx/pdf.
E.g. if the paper name is "Attention is all you need", the paper id is 123, presenting author is Ashish Vaswani then a valid file name can be: 123_Vaswani_Attention.pptx
Please ensure that the file you submit is final. Last minute changes will not be allowed.
Note: If you have multiple presentations, fill a new form for each Paper ID.
Poster Sessions
An optional slide template for poster is provided here:
Poster Template.
It is compulsory for authors of all Oral, Spotlight and Symposium Papers to prepare a poster for their paper.
Posters must be of the size A0 Portrait. Participants can also add their institute logo in the header.
Posters will be shown during the Lunch and coffee breaks on 14 and 15 December as per following slots in program.
Slot |
Papers List |
Lunch + Poster Session 1 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM |
Oral Session 1 + Oral Session 2 + Symposium Papers (YRS) |
Coffee Break + Poster Session 2 (Spotlight) 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM |
Spotlight Papers |
Lunch + Poster Session 3 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM |
Oral Session 3 + Oral Session 4 + Symposium Papers (YFS + IRS) |
ICVGIP 2024 will bear the cost of printing posters submitted on or before
10th December, 2024 11th December 2024, 12 noon [Final extended].
10th December 11th December 2024, 12 noon the service won't be available.
Please note that only posters submitted to ICVGIP for printing will be eligible for coverage. Any printing costs incurred by authors on their own will not be reimbursed.
Please Submit your poster here:
Poster Submission Form
Note: If you have multiple posters, fill a new form for each Paper ID. Use the file naming scheme same as above.
Note: Please note that this arrangement is solely for the convenience of participants. It remains the participants'
responsibility to ensure that their posters are ready in time for the conference. ICVGIP will bear the cost of printing all posters submitted on or before 10th December 2024 11th December 2024, 12 noon [Final Extended]. Only
posters submitted to ICVGIP for printing will be eligible for this coverage. Any printing costs incurred by authors on
their own will not be reimbursed. After the deadline, authors will be responsible for bearing the cost and printing their
posters on their own. Printing service will not be available post 10th December 11th December 2024, 12 noon.