IIIT Bangalore | 13th to 15th December, 2024
Regular Paper Submissions

Note: Thanks to sponsorships, we will be able to provide financial support to student authors of accepted papers - in the form of ACM publication support for the authors who might need.
Author Guidelines

In submitting a manuscript to ICVGIP 2024, authors acknowledge that no paper substantially similar in content has been or will be submitted to another journal, conference, or other events with published proceedings. In such a case, the submission to ICVGIP will be rejected without review.

Instructions for submitting manuscripts

  • Papers to ICVGIP 2024 have to be submitted online at the CMT3 submission portal, which will be opened soon. Each author should also specify their conflict domains before submitting their paper(s).
  • Register each paper with Title, Abstract, Authors and Subject Areas.
    • To add new Authors, enter the email id of the author next to the "+ Add". The authors should be registered with CMT3 for this to work.
    • Select one primary subject area and up to 5 secondary subject areas for each paper.
    • During registration, you can leave the file upload field blank.
    • You will receive a Paper ID after registration (see the Submissions page).
  • It is strongly recommended that you typeset your paper in LaTeX, as per instructions given below, into a PDF format.
    • Do not include author names anywhere in the manuscript.
    • Strictly follow the instructions given below and use the template file given above.
    • Add the Paper ID in the manuscript before uploading it on the portal, where Paper ID is the number you got in the previous step.
  • Rename the pdf file as PaperID.pdf, where PaperID is the number you got in the previous step.
  • Upload your paper. You may edit the Paper, Title, and Abstract until the submission deadline.
  • Upload any supplementary material as a single .zip archive (multiple files) or doc, docx, pdf, pptx, mp4 formats if it is a single file. It is a good idea to "refer to" supplementary material topics in the main paper.
Instructions for preparing manuscripts

  • Double-Blind Policy: ICVGIP 2024 follows a double-blind review system. Authors should not include their names and affiliations in the manuscript or in any supplementary material. Authors should also ensure that their identity is not revealed indirectly (avoid acknowledgements to collaborators, funding agencies, revealing citations to author's previous work or links to websites that identify any of the authors. These may be done in the camera-ready version). Manuscripts that violate the double-blind policy of the conference will be desk rejected, without review.
  • Concurrent Submission Policy: Any submission to ICVGIP should not have substantial overlap with prior publications or other concurrent submissions. A submission with substantial overlap is defined as one that shares 20 per cent or more material with previous or concurrently submitted publications. The policy does not include submission to Arxiv or technical reports that are put up without any direct peer-review. However, this definition of publication does include peer-reviewed workshop papers, even if they do not appear in a proceeding. Authors are encouraged to contact the Program Chairs for clarifications on borderline cases.
  • Policy on Arxiv and Technical Reports: Note that a technical report (departmental, arXiv.org, etc.) version of the submission that is put up without any form of direct peer-review is NOT considered prior art and need NOT be cited in the submission. These submissions are also excluded from the purview of the double-blind policy.
    • The manuscript must be uploaded as a PDF file. LaTeX is strongly recommended for typesetting. LaTeX template files are available for download [here]. Use the Word template only in case you are unable to use LaTeX. The maximum allowed file size is 20MB.
    • The manuscript should be at most 8 pages in length (including all text and figures), excluding references. An unlimited number of additional pages may be used for references, but no further content should appear after the references. Submissions that do not satisfy the length restriction may be desk rejected. Further, authors should ensure that the paper length is commensurate with the content.
    • Optional supplementary material containing images, movies and additional documents can be uploaded as a single .zip archive (multiple files) or doc, docx, pdf, pptx, mp4 formats if it is a single file. The maximum allowed file size is 50MB.
    • All manuscripts must be submitted at the Microsoft CMT submission portal on or before the paper deadline. The portal will be available for access soon.
    • The paper ID must be included in the manuscript before uploading it on the portal. Paper ID may be created on CMT by entering the title, abstract, and subject areas.
    • We will have an early decision phase, where each submission will be scrutinized by an Area Chair, who will recommend if it should be assigned to reviewers for a detailed review. Papers that are clearly out of scope or well below acceptance thresholds will be rejected at this stage.
Important note to authors about the new ACM open access publishing model

ACM has introduced a new open access publishing model for the International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS). Authors based at institutions that are not yet part of the ACM Open program and do not qualify for a waiver will be required to pay an article processing charge (APC) to publish their ICPS article in the ACM Digital Library. To determine whether or not an APC will be applicable to your article, please follow the detailed guidance here: https://www.acm.org/publications/icps/author-guidance.

Further information may be found on the ACM website, as follows:

Full details of the new ICPS publishing model: https://www.acm.org/publications/icps/faq
Full details of the ACM Open program: https://www.acm.org/publications/openaccess

Please direct all questions about the new model to [email protected].