IIIT Bangalore | 13th to 15th December, 2024
"Vision INDIA": Indian papers on Computer Vision and Graphics in top-tier international venues

The ICVGIP 2024 conference will host Vision INDIA, a platform dedicated to celebrating and showcasing groundbreaking research by Indian scientists in the fields of Computer Vision and Graphics.

This special session will feature top-tier international papers authored by researchers affiliated with Indian institutions. It is an exceptional opportunity for researchers to present their innovative work, previously published at renowned global venues, to the Indian research community and engage in insightful discussions.

Why Participate?

  • Author showcase: To allow these authors to share and present their research work (primarily conducted in Indian labs) to the national audience, and
  • Knowledge Exchange: To provide attendees (e.g., young Indian research students) with a unique opportunity to be exposed to top-tier publications and to interact with these authors to share their experiences and learning.

We solicit submission of research in the broad scope of Computer Vision for this session.

The following Eligibility Criteria Apply:

  • The paper should be first authored by a researcher with Indian affiliation.
  • The paper must have been presented (or accepted to be presented soon) at a top-tier conference venue or accepted in a top-tier journal between November 2023 and October 2024.
  • It should not have been discussed at an earlier Vision INDIA session (e.g., ICVGIP-23).

The following conference and journal venues are considered for submissions:

  • Conference Venues: SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, SIGGRAPH Asia, CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, AAAI
  • Journal Venues: IJCV, TPAMI, TIP, TMLR, TOG, TVCG
Review Process

Considering the limited slots available for presentation, submissions will be selected by a committee for presentation at ICVGIP-2024.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: 15 October, 2024 (11:59 PM Indian Standard Time)

Submission Form: Vision INDIA Submission Form

All nominations must be submitted using the Submission Link shared above. Please note that submissions via any other method (e.g., emails to organizers) will not be considered.

For any queries please contact:
Vision INDIA Chair