The prestigious ICVGIP 2024 invites young faculty to showcase their ambitious, ground-breaking ideas!! This is a great opportunity to reach out to willing audience - students, industry and academic senior researchers, gain invaluable feedback and explore beyond.
Submissions should be in the form of a 2-page extended abstract, formatted according to the
available on the conference website.
The 2-page extended abstract must be submitted into the CMT3 submission portal as a single PDF file.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by a committee of experts from both academia and industry to ensure
high quality and relevance. Authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to present their work as a
poster and/or a brief presentation at the conference. Kindly note, the symposium papers will not be published
as part of the ACM proceedings.
We eagerly await your contributions and look forward to seeing you at the Young Faculty Symposium at ICVGIP 2024.
Paper Submission Deadline:
Extended Paper Submission Deadline:
Acceptance Notification:
Camera-ready version due: